It’s week 8 of my GSoC project with Red Hen Lab. As mentioned in an earlier post, running the system on Case HPC is one of the main goals of this GSoC project. I managed to install Kaldi earlier on Case HPC using a Singularity image. This week, I prepared the data from GALE Phase 2 Arabic Broadcast Conversation and started the training process on Case HPC.

The Gale Arabic corpus

In my last post, I mentioned that the transcript data is written in Arabic, in utf-8 format. To input the data to Kaldi, I wrote a Python script called to build the Kaldi data directory using the transcripts files from Gale Arabic, and a shell script, to handle accumulating the data produced from running the script on all the transcript files into the Kaldi directory. The script handles the conversion from utf-8 using the Buckwalter transliteration. With some experimentation with Kaldi, I got the script to output the data directory in the appropriate format. I am currently running the training process on the Case HPC step-by-step.

TDNN training

In parallel, I started the TDNN training process locally on my home machine. I used the TED-LIUM Kaldi recipe, which is the default TDNN recipe at the time of writing. The recipe starts with training an i-vector extractor on top of an LDA-MLLT system. This system is used for training the TDNN.

Coming up

While the process completes, I am planning to go further into the Arabic dialect identification task through experimenting with the tools from QCRI’s baseline.